Siapa tidak mengenali selebriti Ramona Zamzam yang merupakan salah seorang finalis Dewi Remaja 2012. Sejak usia muda lagi dia sudahpun berkecimpung dalam dunia modeling dan wajahnya sering terdedah dengan solekan tebal mengikut tema tersendiri.
Situasi ini menyebabkan kulit wajahnya mengalami masalah jadi tidak sihat hingga membuatkan pada satu masa, Ramoma mahu mengikis kulitnya sendiri.
Namun dia tidak pernah berputus asa dan berusaha untuk memulihkan semula kulit wajahnya. Setelah mendapat hasil memuaskan, Ramona tidak lokek berkongsi perjalanan bagaimana dia mendapat wajah diidamkan.
Walaupun perkongsiannya di laman sosial Facebook sudah hampir dua tahun lalu, tetapi masih boleh dijadikan panduan bagi mereka yang pernah alami masalah kulit rosak, kusam dan tidak berseri.
Salam sayang & selamat sejahtera
This post is going to be long, Ramona mmg nak share pasal ni dah lama sgt.
Khas utk org yg ADA SKIN PROBLEM, yg kena skin infection and so on, i hope you will find this useful.
This post is about what I have been doing for YEARS utk baikpulihkan kulit. Mmg byk step but if you don’t give up, I believe you can! And yes it might take long, bukan sehari, bukan sebulan, Ramona personally ambil masa roughly dlm 2-3 years utk betul2 100% heal. Kenapa lama sgt? Utk Ramona jadi lama sebab I deal with makeup for almost everyday due to my career, almost everyday shooting / photoshoot and so on, makeup is part of my periuk nasi. But if most of you yg sedang membaca boleh avoid makeup & follow all these steps regularly utk repair your skin, I believe it will take jangka masa yg lebih pendek utk pulih.
I strongly believe my FB page ni boleh dpt followers atas sbb post Ramona yg ‘CUCI MUKA LONG STEP’ tu (awal2 dulu Ramona share pasal cara cuci muka yg betul bila pakai makeup). That was just one of the ways, perlu Ramona tekankan skali lagi, nak kulit cantik, pakai la skincare jenama mahal mcm mana skali pun, tapi kalau kulit muka cuci tak bersih, forget it, you won’t get any result. CUCI BETUL-BETUL BERSIH is the key. Selain tu, I have been doing some other things as well, hari ni Ramona finally dapat share. Kalau tak dpt buat semua skali pun, try your best to do as much as you can from these steps, I believe your skin can get better insyaAllah. I know what it feels like to have BAD SKIN PROBLEM. Been there done that. Those yg ada skin problem, you are not alone.
So…… Ready? Silakan go through photo one by one!
P/S : tag your friends yg ada skin problem, this post might help!
This was my skin for so many years (siap makeup lagi, pakai foundation tu, this was around 2012). Bertahun lamanya (rasanya dari zaman Dewi Remaja) I have been having skin problem. Sebut la apa jenis problem. Blackheads / whiteheads / rashes / jerawat kecik / jerawat besar / jerawat pasir / EVERYTHING. Ramona penah kena & dapat semua. Yes SEMUA. I hardly get pimples dah towards the end, kalau ada pun 2-3 biji time period tapi rashes ni penuh dari tepi kening, ke arah tepi pipi, sampai ke rahang bawah leher. Time2 tu mmg upload selfie guna magic skin 360 camera, yep i admit and i do know what it feels like..! Sekarang ni bila kulit dah takde problem rasa syok sgt bila tak perlu nak edit photo pakai camera 360 dah! I was so down, confident level pun jatuh teruk, I always find myself ugly, tengok cermin rasa diri sendiri sgt buruk and rasa nak kikis muka sendiri. But I was quite lucky to be surrounded by supportive ppl in my life, such as my family members, close friends etc.
You may click on the photo so boleh tengok gambar ni betul2 clear!
This photo was taken roughly around 2014, masa tu dah nak baik tapi tak baik habis lagi. Jerawat takde sgt tapi kulit masih ada RASHES (bintik2 kecil yg penuh dgn whiteheads tapi takde mata). No makeup here (except for my eyebrows), kulit hampir pulih tapi masih ada rashes.
I started modeling since i was 12 years old.
Kalau nak upload gambar2 modeling dulu byk nak mampus, 5 atas ni salah satu contoh je. Paling active lepas dah habis sekolah when i was 18 years old (2008).
Almost everyday photoshoot for magazines / newspapers / commercials / etc. Majalah apa yg Ramona tak penah photoshoot you name it, Pengantin, Remaja, Wanita, Jelita, Harmoni, Nona, Dara, Cleo, Female, Seventeen, etc. Pakai tudung / Free hair / photoshoot baju / photoshoot muka / photoshoot rambut semua lah! No guys i’m not showing off sumpah hahahah. Just sharing with you on what exactly happened to me.
10 years back org tak gila main phone mcm today tau, 10 yrs back org masih beli magazine lagi, byk iklan sana sini, org masih pegang kertas lagi, instagram pun takde lagi. FB dah ada tapi org tak active sgt mcm hari ni, kuasa viral belum gila mcm hari ni. Photoshoot utk majalah tu kira quite a big thing masa tu.
I was a full time student, ada hari takde class kalau dpt photoshoot mmg takkan lepas sebab itu lah duit pocket yg Ramona boleh dpt masa tu. Soooooooo, atas sebab almost everyday kena makeup (makeup photoshoot bukan nipis2 ya, tebal sgt2), kalau dpt dlm studio mmg thank god (sbb sejuk & ada aircond, nak tuka baju senang, toilet pun dekat & bersih), tapi kalau dpt outdoor, jenuh kena pose bawah matahari, imagine dgn makeup tebal2 pastu peluh2, pastu kena touch up, pastu tuka baju lain2, mana nya kulit tak jahanam?
Lepastu dah start berlakon lagi lah, call time pukul 8 pagi, sampai set terus makeup, direct sampai mlm. Mlm kalau habis pkul 8-9 tu kira awal sgt syukur sgt dpt balik awal, tapi kalau habis tgh mlm yg pukul 2-3 pagi? Imagine berapa kali kena cuci muka pastu sambung pakai makeup balik? Fuhh, only god knows.
And imagine my skin yg dah get involve dgn seberapa byk makeup?? For so many years?? Balik rumah tido saja. The next day tak photoshoot modeling, berlakon drama. Mcm tu lah my life before this. Slowly2 pori2 dah makin tersumbat, cuci makeup tak bersih and so on, and terus it get worse and worst!
Oh ya, back then pun bukan mcm zmn sekarang, takde instafamous, takde artis mee segera, most of us started from scratch, buat modeling dulu, photoshoot utk magazines, and then commercials, pastu baru start belakon ambil watak kecik2 dulu, slowly2 build up sampai dapat watak utama, takdenya famous from Instagram pastu terus jadi artis. Maaf ya Ramona bukan nak membahan atau nak tujukan pada siapa2, just sharing the TRUTH.
So now you get the point that Ramona dulu kena skin infection yg teruk dari makeup yg melampau. Kulit tak sempat nak bernafas dah kena apply makeup lagi. So what did i do? Back to the same post yg Ramona upload dulu, Tolong lah cuci muka bersih2. To those yg suka pakai makeup, for fun ke for work ke tak kisah lah, especially if you’re using foundation / compact powder / bb cream ke cc cream ke toloooooooong laaaa cuci muka guna long step yg Ramona tunjuk ni (boleh scroll my wall balik kalau nak check this post). Facial wash itself is NEVER ENOUGH. That was my mistake dulu2. Ingatkan habis shooting balik rumah mandi cuci muka pakai facial wash saja dah cukup, I didn’t know, none of my family members yg pro ttg makeup & penjagaan kulit muka, takde org bagitau pasal cuci makeup kena guna cleansing oil or milk cleanser semua tu. TAK ADA SIAPA BERITAHU. So i did not know and it went on and on and on and on for years…. Maka bermulalah kejadian skin problem yg amat teruk!
So conclusion utk 1st step is : CUCI MUKA BERSIH2!
I know this one agak susah especially nowadays dah jadi trend, everyone pandai makeup! Like i said, Ramona punya skin problem dulu terjadi sbb too much of makeup, TOO MUCH.
So 2nd step utk repair kulit muka is? STOP USING MAKEUP. Bila hari yg tak ada shoot, Ramona duduk diam2 kat rumah, trust me staying home helps a lot sbb kulit muka tak terdedah pada pencemaran yg ada diluar especially when you’re staying in the city. You have no idea betapa teruknya dust yg ada kat luar tu oiiii. Unfortunately Malaysia bukan mcm Switzerland, udara tak fresh mcm kat sana. And not wearing makeup helps to let your skin BREATHE. Penting sgt2 utk kulit muka kita takde apa2 on it sbb liang roma yg ada tu pun nak bernafas jugaaaak, bukan jantung korang je yg nak bernafas, bukan hidung saja, tapi kulit muka jugaaaaak..!
Ok Ramona bagi extra tips kalau tak tahan nak makeup juga, DO NOT USE FOUNDATION at all. Tapi kalau dah geram sgt ketagih sgt, what you can do isssss….. Makeup mata & lips saja. Kulit muka jgn sentuh! That’s what i did back then (even sampai sekarang), let say nak merayap2 tapi rasa muka buruk sgt kalau tak apply anything at all, Ramona pakai eyeliner & mascara kat mata (without applying any powder at all tau), eye shadow pun boleh la tapi jarang2, and then pakai lipstick, whatever lah lip gloss ke lip balm ke matte lipstick ke ikut korang la janji ada colour atas your lips. And THAT’S IT. No other makeup! No powder, no foundation, no bb cream, no no no, yg lain tu NO NO NO! Sbb itu semua lah yg akan block your pores, and your skin will never get the chance to breathe, tak dpt rehat & tak dpt freedom.
Itu kalau terdesak sgt nak makeup juga la k. But if you can go for 100% bare face, that will be the BEST!
Water tauuuuu. Bukan milo ais ke, teh o ais ke, horlick panas ke, orange juice ke, bukan eh. When I say water it means AIR PUTIH. Mineral water or boiled water or drinking water asalkan air masak.
Sorry to say the fact that most of org Melayu yg Ramona kenal mmg kurang minum air putih. I grew up in Chinese School di Ipoh, Perak, and Ramona mcm dah kena psycho dgn my Chinese friends & teachers dari kecik lagi ttg minum air masak.
Tapi bila habis sekolah jadi lalai, byk sgt involve dgn Malay community time modelling & shooting and i forgot about how important drinking water is. Sampai lah bila kulit dah start problem baru tersedar yg Ramona kurang minum air so i started to drink water again.
So my point here is : MINUM AIR PUTIH minimum 2 Liter sehari. Botol kecik mineral tu takde apa honestly, sikit sgt. Botol besar is usually 1.5 Liter, so if you can finish that in a day, consider quite an achievement dah tu.. Tapi! Cuba lagi sampai dpt minimum 2 Liter ok!
Oh yes i know ramai yg annoyed sbb kena pegi sheeshee 20x a day but that’s what its like! Kencing 20x tu lah yg tolong buang toxic dlm badan skali gus tolong membersihkan kulit muka juga. Kalau keluar mmg susah but if you get to stay home senang (especially for perempuan kan sbb nak masuk keluar toilet lagi bersih & secure. Bab kencing 20x sehari i can’t help you, mmg mcm tu, if you get use to it, lama2 dah biasa nanti korg tak rasa apa dah. By now Ramona ulang alik toilet 20x sehari dah jadi habit so i don’t care anymore, ignore je lah and go on with your life mcm biasa hahahha.
Tips : Look at my photo above. I have a habit of mengusung that big bottle ke hulu ke hilir. What you do is, pegi shopping mall or whatever kedai yg ada jual botol air besar2 and cari yg 2 litres punya size. Yg dlm gambar ni is 1.9 L, so Ramona start isi air dlm this bottle waktu pagi when i get up in the morning, pastu pegi mana pun bwk je, masuk keluar kereta takyah ckp lah. Just keep on drinking from the same bottle, from there Ramona dpt observe cukup atau tidak ramona minum air putih in 1 day time. Kalau tak habis by night time then i know i did not drink enough water, tapi kalau habis cepat, siap tambah lagi lepas tu, mission accomplished!!!
Trust me, cuba lah try minum air gila babi utk 1-2 hari saja, korang akan nampak the difference on your skin. Cuz that’s what i saw on myself…! Practice sikit2 dulu, dah lepas 1.5L, then try 2L pulak, pastu try 2.5L pulak, then 3L. You can’t be a pro within 2 days time la of course but slowly2 la k.
Nanti lama2, bila dah biasa minum air byk, tekak akan sentiasa rasa dahaga air. By that time, you can’t live without water anymore!
P/S : nak minum air manis minum lah! Ramona sendiri gila minum teh tarik lah cappuccino lah apa lah but, just make sure minum cukup air putih in a day. Lepas habis minum teh tarik / milo ais semua tu, cover balik dgn plain water, kencingkan balik all the sweet drinks that you’ve had, baru lah balance balik. Janji minum air putih cukup secukup-cukupnya..!
This one is super important. Based on my personal experience, another reason why Ramona kena skin infection dulu is because ramona tak apply apa2 langsung kat muka BEFORE PAKAI MAKEUP.
Bodoh sgt2 dulu! I was one of those girls yg taktau pun kalau nak pakai makeup wajib utk apply toner lah moisturizer lah and so on. I wished i knew back then, sedih time skin problem dulu, that’s how i decided utk start this page cuz i believe ramai lagi yg taktau pasal ni, so i keep on tekankan the same point – Girls, nak pakai makeup pakai lah, tapi make sure apply basic skincare kat muka dulu.
PLEASE. If you don’t wanna go through the same experience yg Ramona kena dulu. Imagine hari2 photoshoot / shooting drama, bgn pagi mandi cuci muka pastu terus keluar pegi set, muka tak apply apa2 pastu terus makeup artist sapu mcm2, makeup tebal sampai tgh mlm, everything goes direct into your skin!
So my point here is? Tak kisah la makeup ke tak, kalau keluar rumah saja TOLONGLAH apply your basic skincare. Boleh rujuk kat 2 post dalam gambar ni, ada kat my wall, cuma korang kena scroll balik bawah2 lah k. Paling malassssss pun, cuci muka – toner – moisturizer. Please! Protect your skin, basic skincare is super important! Tak boleh tempek foundation direct kat muka tau!

I do not wanna say ‘exercise’ sbb kalau exercise tapi tak keluar peluh pun tak guna! And i know ramai sgt yg paling malas & susah nak buat this step but sorry guys, you have no choice. Apart from taking care of your skin & drinking water la apa lah, kekotoran & toxic yg ada dlm badan kalau tak dpt keluar pun TAK GUNA juga.
Do whatever exercise that you can, jogging / walking / hiking / weight lifting / running / badminton / swimming / ANYTHING asalkan KELUAR PELUH.
Ramona pun bukan lah pro sgt tapi time kena skin infection dulu tu, azam nak baikpulihkan kulit punya la kuat terus Ramona sign up kat gym. Sebabnya bila every month duit keluar bayar gym punya commitment, lagi it will make me feel like going. Rasa rugi bila bayar tapi tak pegi & tak guna gym tu. So starting from cardio, Ramona try jalan kat treadmill je, lama2 bila buat cardio saja rasa boring, so I started to do weight lifting, skali dah main angkat berat terus rasa syok, and bila dah minat, lama2 jadi ketagih. I started to take protein shakes la apa la just to have more energy and what not.
Ada time kalau boleh plan dgn kawan2 pegi pula hiking, ada time bila dpt masuk swimming pool Ramona terjun juga sbb I LOVE SWIMMING. Do whatever you want! As long as keluar peluh. Beli racket badminton, yg murah2 pun jadilah, ajak kawan2 main skali, i tell you, badminton tolong utk LOSE WEIGHT gila babi k. My friends ramai yg lose weight from playing badminton, peluh keluar byk sgt.
Takde gym? Takde pool? Ok takpe, whevever you’re staying at, pusing la area2 kawasan rumah ke, kawasan condo ke, nak lagi best try to go to the nearest park petang2. Jalan2 pusing lah 1-2 round pun asalkan you sweat yourself out.
Point is, exercising is not just good for your health, but also for your SKIN. Ramona selalu perasan extra cantik bila tgk cermin lepas workout kat gym, pasalnyaaaaa, lepas keluar peluh mcm org gila tu, I noticed my skin mcm extra glowing & putih, a ah perasan sikit tak malu pun sbb betul! No shortcut, up to you nak try ke tak.
Ada byk gila cara if you wanna try working out, boleh youtube ‘7 minutes work out’, and you can do it everyday, skali sehari pun ok lah, 7 minit je pun!! Kat instagram & FB pun byk gila guide utk ‘home workout’ la apa lah, kalau nak work out, dlm bilik, depan tv, kat dapur, mana2 pun boleh. I’m very sure most of you can do something about it. Antara nak atau tidak sahaja..!

You’re not alone. Dulu time Ramona ada skin infection, tgn & jari jemari mmg geram sgt sgt gatal sgt2 nak pegang muka ya Allahhhhhhhhhh nak juga hinggap kat muka! Sbb bila rasa biji2 tu, sedap nak korek / cubit / picit whatever la asalkan dpt pegang sendiri and lepas geram walaupun tak duduk depan cermin! My mom sampai hari ni still lagi suka pegang korek kulit muka, I tried to stop her but so far belum berkesan lagi haih…. That was a big mistake. I know most of you mmg endah tak endah je pasal hal pegang muka sendiri ni but trust me when i say, bila tak pegang muka, your skin problem akan improve so so much more..!
Ramona boleh start berubah sbb kena sound dgn aunty facial yg Ramona pegi buat facial kat dia dulu. Bila pegi facial, aunty tu perasan ada bekas jerawat and dia tau straight away yg Ramona korek muka sendiri secara haram hahaha. So dia pun marah and ckp : if you touch your face again, don’t come to do facial with me again! Ramona pulak masa tu skin problem teruk, and dia punya facial mmg bagus and dia tak buat cincai2, punya la takut Ramona sanggup stop pegang muka sendiri and honestly i can really see the result lepas tu. Bukan nak ckp, one of the biggest reasons jerawat kat muka boleh jadi parut sbb tangan sendiri gatal pegang muka.
Please understand that our hands are FULL OF GERMS & BACTERIAS, kdg2 tgh lepak kat luar, tgn baru lepas pegang pintu ke, escalator ke, toilet punya pipe ke, mcm2 lah, tolong lah sedar that all those things dah penuh dgn mcm2 jenis org dah pegang. Entah org2 tu baru lepas buang sampah ke garu bontot ke tuka pampers ke apa ke kita pun taktau how dirty is it and then kita sambung sentuh juga pastu pegang kulit muka. OMG can you imagine……..?!?!?!?! So fhm kan kenapa bahayanya pegang muka sendiri?
Boleh kalau nak pegang muka! Kalau kat rumah, baru lepas mandi, or baru lepas cuci tgn tak kisah la nak belek & pegang muka sendiri. Time2 lain tu yg bahaya, sooooo, don’t simply touch your face!!

Speaking about facial extraction, facial dah satu hal, facial saja tak cukup, kena ada extraction juga. Utk yg tak fhm maksud ‘extraction’, it means – process utk mengeluarkan & memicit segala natang2 yg ada dlm liang roma muka yg korang selalu tgk video2 kat FB tu ha. Itu extraction..!
Basic facial selalunya sekadar mencuci muka, scrub & pakai mask. But if you have skin problem, and looking forward to heal your skin, please cari facial yg ada extraction.
Time Ramona ada skin problem dulu, Ramona pegi facial 2 minggu skali. Punya la teruk muka, dah buat extraction pun lepas few days keluar lagi blackheads / jerawat / whiteheads tau! Ingat tak frust ke, frust gila. But believe me sbb terlalu byk kekotoran yg terkumpul kat dlm, you have to keep on taking it out. Asyik dok biar je kat dlm kulit, makin bermaharajalela lah natang2 tu, dah siap buat istana lagi kat dlm kulit muka kita tu kalau tak dikeluarkan juga.
Mula2 Ramona ingat mmg takkan habis, but after going for facial extraction secara regular for about 2 years, slowly2 Ramona perasan kulit pun dah makin ok and makin kurang benda2 nak extract. Even the facial lady ckp awal2 Ramona pegi buat extraction dia ambik masa sampai 3 jam utk picit everything, sampai juling2 mata dia, sian aunty tu hahahha, tapi lama2 dah makin kurang ke 2 jam setengah, pastu 2 jam.
I know its also about money but nak seribu daya taknak seribu dalih. I was a student back then, duit modeling pun ok ok je but no matter what, i will always try utk pegi facial extraction juga. Kena la regular, jgn la buat skali lepas tu lagi 6 bulan baru repeat balik, mmg takde kesan la kalau mcm tu hahahhaha. Unless if you don’t really have bad skin problem itu lain cite lah. Even Ramona sekarang pegi facial dlm 2-3 bulan skali. Tapi kalau ada problem, kena pegi selalu.
Main point here is, if you have skin problem yg ada mcm2 dalam kulit muka, you have to go for EXTRACTION. Harapkan skincare saja letak la serum byk mana pun it might won’t work sbb most of it mmg perlu dikeluarkan dari dalam kulit muka, baru lah skincare akan berkesan bila disapukan kat muka..!
Oh last thing, please understand that kalau korang nak try picit muka sendiri, boleh, bukan tak boleh, tapi byk procedure nya, kena pastikan tgn betul2 clean, and then kena tau picit THE RIGHT WAY. Kalau salah picit, cara extract tak betul, boleh lukakan kulit muka and end up your skin akan lagi merah pastu tinggal parut teruk. A ah penah jadi kat myself. Gatal picit jerawat kat hidung and i did it the wrong way, last2 tinggal parut hitam yg sgt lama kat kulit muka, stress gila cuz everytime keluar nak kena pakai concealer. Tak ke menyusahkan diri haihhhh.
P/S : basic facial extraction is good, but if you have all the extra money and time, rajin2kan lah buat treatment yg lain2 such as laser ke, PRP ke, ada mcm2 sekarang ni yg boleh tolong repair kulit muka. Ramona personally suka pegi ke Clinic Dr. Chong di Kepong, cuz i think it works like crazy! You can check their FB & IG k.

Ok don’t get disgusted but i’m going straight to the point, yg ni pasal BERAK.
Another reason why kulit muka tak boleh nak baik is when you have digestion problem, bila buang air besar tak regular, toxic dlm badan tak keluar betul2. Supposedly, we need to buang air besar at least 1-2 times a day. Tapi kalau tak jadi mcm tu maknanya usus ada problem and yeaaaah, boleh menyebabkan skin problem juga.
So what to do? You have to find your own way utk bagi berak regularly. Sorry Ramona malas nak berlapik, ckp direct je, benda basic.
So during my time, Ramona perasan, bila Ramona minum BANANA MILKSHAKE, dgn kuasa bulan my air besar dpt berfungsi dgn lebih berjayanya! Before that Ramona berak maybe skali je dlm 2-3 hari, which is BAD! Consider teruk ok! Pastu bila Ramona perasan by drinking banana milkshake can make me go to toilet regularly, Ramona pun start utk buat banana milkshake sendiri kat rumah EVERY MORNING time bangun pagi. Buka je mata first thing first terus masuk dapur, ambik pisang & blend dgn susu, minum terus. Jadikan the FIRST THING that you take in the morning, sebab perut tak masuk apa lagi, so it works the best when you take it straight away bila bgn tido. Badan pun akan terus process ambik zat pisang tu. Itu cara Ramona. Im not sure bout you guys.
Ada kwn Ramona yg ckp dia mkn sebijik dragonfruit before tido and the next day bgn terus masuk toilet, confirm poopoo katanya. Pun boleh juga. Depends on what suits you lah!
So my berak session improved from there, Ramona pun teruskan blend banana milkshake every morning for quite some time, sampailah my digestion dah makin ok then Ramona pun slow down doing it everyday hahahah boring juga oi but what to do kan.
So main point on this one is : BERAK KENA BAGI BETUL! Bila toxic keluar ikut bawah, baru la dia tak hinggap kat muka. Bila berak tak regular, tu yg buat skin start utk breakout and what not sbb itu cara toxic nak keluar dari badan, maka jadi lah jerawat / blackheads segala……

Ughhhh susah kan Ramona fhm sbb i’m one of those food freaks. Food is everything to me. Ramona nampak makanan mcm harta karun and I LOVE TO EAT.
But! Kalau before this Ramona main hentam je whatever i wanna eat, since ada skin problem, Ramona mcm dpt kesedaran to actually at least take care of my food.
No i’m not going to tell you to EAT CLEAN! Of course kalau boleh eat clean that will be even better wowwwww very impressive hahahhah Ramona tepuk tgn & congrats dari jauh sbb i myself can never do that! I tried but noooooo, I love salt & sugar, I love dessert & coffee hahahahha soooo for sure Ramona tak berjaya utk ‘eat clean’.
But what can i help you guys is, skali skala cuba masak sendiri kat rumah, KURANGKAN MINYAK. I strongly believe all those oily food that we have pun menjadi salah satu big reason kulit muka ada problem. Try to BAKE / GRILL / STEAM instead of goreng!
Kalau korang go through my wall, ada a few resepi masakan sihat yg Ramona share utk korang try buat kat rumah. And then if lepak2 kat luar, instead of ordering chicken chop ke nasi goreng ke, try la order caesar salad or sandwich pulak.
Itu sbb Ramona ckp, even if you can’t eat clean, I truly understand, tapi sekurang2nya cuba juga utk mkn something healthier. Jgn main hentam mkn je all kind of unhealthy food! Mmg yg masuk perut tu semuanya jahanam je lah. Try to have a mindset where ‘I want to eat healthier’, so slowly2 you will try your best and your food consumption pun akan improve. Byk cara nya! Nak atau taknak jeeee.
Another tips is, always penuhkan your house with fruits & vege. Boring2 buka peti ais mkn apple, atau jambu, atau pisang. Kalau masak sendiri, always try to include some vegetables mcm tomato ke, bendi ke, tak kisah lah, janji ada sayur juga, TRY ok!

Ramai yg leka about this one! Including Ramona sendiri juga dulu..! Kita selalu lupa pasal tempat tidur. Your bed & pillow that you use EVERYDAY, perlu ditukar regularly! Kalau cadar & sarung bantal tuka setahun sekali mcm mana kulit muka nak baik…..!
Busy dgn life mcm mana skali pun, hectic mcm mana keje / class skali pun, do not forget to change your bed sheet regularly.
Perasan atau tidak, especially sarung bantal, is where you put your face EVERY SINGLE DAY, sgt besar peranan nya utk tolong repair our skin. Lagi teruk your skin problem is, lagi selalu lah kena tukar bed sheet. I would suggest, minimum once a week. Kdg2 kita balik penat dgn muka tak cuci, kaki tak basuh, badan tak mandi, kotor entah dari mana2, sedap2 je landing baik punya atas katil. All the germs sedap je hinggap habis kat cadar segala, pastu kita sambung tido mlm2 for everyday. Understand how important it is to change your bed sheet now?
So? Tuka cadar lepas ni tau! Hahaha. No seriously, bed sheet plays such a big role tanpa kita sedari.
Tips : another thing that you can do, ambil kain or towel nipis lapik atas bantal that you sleep every night, tuka2 lah selalu, so tak perlu nak change bed sheet every few days kalau dah malas sgt. Paling penting part nak protect muka tu, kat sarung bantal.

Ala yg ni Ramona rasa basic sgt, everyone should know and understand this right….?
Jgn tido with makeup on ok! Balik lambat mcm mana skali pun, penat mcm mana skali pun, merayap lah lama mana skali pun. Kalau dah ngantuk tu, PLEASE WASH YOUR FACE bersih2 dahulu.
I believe one of the biggest factors Ramona punya skin problem boleh terjadi sbb zmn muda2 dulu melepak dgn kwn2 balik pukul 2-3 pagi, lepas tu muka penuh makeup tak cuci tak apa tapi penat sgt so terus tido.
That was sooooo stupid, please do not repeat my mistake! Ada makeup atau tak ada makeup, tapi kalau dah keluar for a while, bila nak tido please please please WASH YOUR FACE. Taknak mandi pun takpe janji cuci muka! Dah la time tido muka pecah minyak, habis segala chemical & kekotoran yg ada diserap masuk liang roma uishhhh syg kulit oooooo.
Tips : alang2 dah cuci muka tu, jgn lupa apply night cream / serum. You know why? Sbb time tido la apa yg kita sapu kat muka akan diserap dgn lebih berkesan!! Compared to time siang when you’re awake.
Point is : dah cuci muka bersih2 pastu suka hati la nak tido berapa lama pun ok! Janji CUCI MUKA BEFORE TIDO.

Another thing yg kita selalu abaikan. Scroll balik wall ramona, awal2 dulu Ramona byk tekankan salah satu cara utk cepat pulihkan kulit muka and to keep on having healthy skin is – by using face mask regularly.
From this photo above, cuba korang baca balik post ni. Ramai yg lupa that by using mask regularly boleh tolong utk repair your skin dgn lebih cepat! Depending on what problem you’re having, ada byk gila choices that you can pick. Nak pakai mask yg 5 minit pastu cuci pun boleh, nak pakai sleeping mask time tido pun boleh, nak pakai mask tampal and then buang after 20 mins pun boleh, sambil2 je benda tu buat kat rumah! Siang or mlm tak kisah, janji u do it regularly.
Time Ramona ada skin problem dulu, Ramona pakai mask EVERY DAY. Plg kurang pun 2 hari skali, curi juga masa janji dpt pakai mask. It works like crazy, kulit muka insyaAllah akan susah nak naik jerawat and so on. Just make sure you pick the right mask yg bersesuaian with your skin type ok!
Point is – TRUST ME kalau pakai mask selalu kulit muka akan cepat baik and susah nak naik jerawat, plus, it is one of the cheapest & easiest way..! Singgah je kat drugstore, dah boleh beli mcm2 jenis mask. Dok rumah diam2, pakai depan tv dah settle.

Another thing yg kita lupa, selagi ada energy utk merayap & tido lambat, kita mmg takkan tido awal. I know this sounds like ‘org tua’ or ‘old skool’ but percaya lah, sleeping before 12 midnight and dpt tido yg cukup (minimum 8 hrs) mmg akan tolong utk baik pulihkan your skin juga. You need rest, your body needs rest, YOUR SKIN needs rest too! So time tido tu lah our skin boleh ‘bekerja’ utk repair apa yg patut. Kalau hari2 dok merayap and tido pukul 3/4/5 pagi, your skin won’t get the right rest. Ingat ya, tido waktu siang & tido waktu mlm sgt berbeza..! Try your best ok. And don’t forget to use night cream / night serum time tido, it works the best time tu. So, get a goodnight sleep tonight okaaaay..! Tido awalllll!

This photo is one of my latest photo, baru je diambil dlm 2-3 weeks ago. No filter no nothing. This is what i meant bila keluar boleh makeup tapi main area mata & lips saja.
Kalau you guys tgk betul2 kat gambar ni, i only have eyeliner, mascara & lipbalm. No foundation no powder at all. So Ramona kurangkan utk pakai makeup, kalau boleh avoid, mmg Ramona avoid. Sbb dah phobia dgn skin problem dulu. Once your skin dah heal, tak susah dah utk tak pakai makeup!

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