Memegang tugas sebagai seorang doktor memang mencabar apatah lagi di saat getir begini. Mereka dan barisan hadapan yang lain wajar menerima penghormatan daripada semua kerana sanggup berkorban masa dan tenaga demi negara yang tercinta.

Berkongsi di laman sosial, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor meluahkan rasa terharunya apabila melihat isterinya iaitu Dr. Halina yang sangat komited dengan kerjanya biarpun terdedah dengan risiko dijangkiti virus covid-19 pada ketika ini.

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Pic – Dr Halina exposed to Covid … Beloved wife Dr Halina has been screening patients for Covid-19 since day 1 . Last night she gave us a scare when she just got back from work with symptoms of sore throat and cough … After taking the swab test she was self quarantined at home in the room while awaiting for the results . It saddens me to see that she was not allowed to be even close to the children – can’t imagine how she felt the entire 8 hour ordeal . I remembered her calling me from the hospital not knowing where to be as she does not want to infect me and the kids . Even at that stage she was more concerned of others . And Alhamdulillah – the results were negative . Inspite of everything that just happened she still determined to continue working today . That’s Dr Halina – not because she’s my wife BUT because she’s a doctor who has been trained to help others … to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the sick …what matters is saving lives no matter how great the risk . To all doctors , nurses and medical related people out there … be strong & brave . You will always have our prayers at all times . Just sharing … Love As Always … PS – To my Beloved wife Do continue your brave and noble effort . InsyaAllah – Allah will ease your path Dunia & Akhirat PSS – You are my true Hero PSSS – Diri ini berasa kerdil jika dibandingkan dengan segala pengorbanan mu … 😰

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Dr Halina terdedah kepada Covid.

Isteri tercinta, Dr. Halina telah menjalankan pemeriksaan ke atas pesakit covid-19 sejak dari pertama lagi. Semalam, dia membuatkan kami semua terkejut apabila dia pulang ke rumah dengan simptom sakit tekak dan batuk.

Selepas melakukan ujian swab, dia telah mengkuarantinkan dirinya di dalam bilik di rumah sementara menunggu keputusannya. Ia menyedihkan saya apabila melihat dia tidak boleh berada dekat dengan anak-anak. Tak boleh bayangkan bagaimana perasaannya sementara menanti tempoh 8 jam.

 Saya teringat ketika dia menghubungi saya dari hospital tidak tahu mahu ke mana disebabkan dia tidak mahu saya dan anak-anak dijangkiti olehnya. Pada waktu itu pun dia masih mementingkan orang lain.

Alhamdulillah, keputusan ujiannya adalah negatif. Walau apa yang sudah terjadi, dia masih meneruskan semangatnya untuk bekerja hari ini. Itulah Dr. Halina. Bukan kerana dia isteri saya tetapi kerana dia doktor yang sudah dilatih untuk membantu orang lain… berkorban demi pesakit… apa yang penting adalah menyelamatkan nyawa tidak kiralah sebesar mana risikonya.

Kepada semua doktor, jururawat dan mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang perubatan di luar sana, sentiasalah kuat dan berani.

Anda sentiasa berada dalam doa kami setiap masa.

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Pic – Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan – stay put Everyone … The Government is ordering Everyone to stay put at home for the next 2 weeks which is an impossible task . Many are restless and defy the orders still seen in public , buying loads of groceries , some balik kampung to visit their loved ones and many more … Little did we realise how dangerous this Covid-19 could be … everyday the number of those infected and detected is rising . I try to look at this quarantine on a positive note instead … Just loved the bonding time and the many things I could do with the kids at home … 1. Doing revision together with the Girls This is the time Bella could hafaz her AlQuran in a continuous manner . Also guiding Tasha on her Jawi and Tajwid . 2. Making an effort to Solat jamaah together with the kids and stick to the routine . Always terlepas since the girls are occupied with Schoolwork . 3. Teaching the Girls new Sports . For the first time Bella & Tasha are playing badminton by our lawn … Haha while the Boys are kicking football everywhere . 4. Bike ride within our Compound Just taking the kids on my 400cc Scooter within the gated area can be fun . 5. Crafts & Arts with the Boys Daily colouring and painting with Adam & Noah . The Boys just loved playing with crayons and paints . 6. Playing in the rain It’s always fun when it rains and the kids just love playing in the muddy puddles . 7. Cooking lessons for the Girls It’s time to teach Bella & Tasha the proper technique on how to cook the simple stuffs like nasi goreng , scrambled eggs , baking cakes etc . Dah jadi anak dara these 2 Girls . 8. Reading their favourite Book We have a library full of unread books . Tasha is still on her ‘ Captain Underpants ‘ and Bella with her ‘ Teenage Themed ‘ Books . 9. Climbing trees and playing with nature The Boys just loved climbing and there’s so many trees at the back of our house . 10. Completing my parenting Book Just some final touches before publishing them . Hence Everyone … take this quarantined time to create bonding time with the family . Avoid going out to minimise contact , wash your hands thoroughly and stay home . Just sharing . Love As Always

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Sebak membaca penulisannya ini. Benarlah, sungguh besar pengorbanan mereka hingga terpaksa mengorbankan waktu bersama anak dan keluarga tercinta. Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia bantulah mereka dengan mematuhi arahan kerajaan sepanjang Perintan Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) ini agar wabak ini segera lenyap dari muka bumi.

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