Penyanyi yang kini popular di China, Shila Amzah selamat melangsungkan pertunangan di kediaman keluarganya di Cheras. Majlis yang diadakan secara tertutup ini menyaksikn Shila disunting jejaka bernama Haris Idraki Elias, 28 tahun yang bekerja di sebuah sektor kewangan di London. Suka melihat penampian Shila yang kelihatannya seperti ‘Barbie Doll’ dengan tema ‘pinkish’.

Shila kelihatan tampil jelita menggayakan busana moden warna pink dengan hijab juga warna sedonon. Penampilan Shila cukup ringkas ditambah dengan solekan juga sentuhan warna pinkish di bahagian mata yang menyerlahkan kejelitaan penyanyi berusia 27 tahun.

Pada majlis itu juga, keluarga menyarung cincin pertunangan di jari manis Shila dan dilihat hanya kenalan rapat hadir di majlis penuh bersejarah buat penyanyi ini. Tunang Shila juga sebelum ini pernah bekerja sebagai wartawan The Star pada tahun 2015.


Dalam satu post di laman IGnya, Shila dan Haris sebenarnya sudah lama saling saling mengenali, iaitu kira-kira 7 tahun lalu. Ketika itu Haris berusia 21 tahun dan dalam tempoh itu, lelak ini setia menunggunya.


Dear Haris, Seven years ago, I never realized what an incredible journey we were embarking upon together. I never would have believed that the 21 year old boy with wavy hair and the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen would grow into the strong, hardworking, and loving man that will be waiting for me till the end of time. I never dreamed that I would find someone who changed me to see the world in the way that you do. a man who makes me laugh and love with abundance, man who even after all these years being apart still gives me butterflies when he walks through the door. I didn’t believe that I could find a man who would remind me every single day to dream bigger, to work harder, to open my heart to the possibilities of this beautiful life. I never realized that I could love anyone as much as I love you. I love your quirky humor, your obsession with books and art. I adore your beautiful brown eyes, the way you read for me before I go to bed. I love those nights when we Skype every weekends, the way you listen to my crazy ideas and catch me when I fall… Often literally. I love you not only for who you are, but for who you inspire me to be. I love that over the past seven years, our feelings for each other has always been there like we were made for each other. Even on the days when I have struggled, when the future seemed uncertain, not once did I have to walk alone. Seven years of growing up, but never growing apart despite of the distance conquering all that life put in our way, day by day, we grew together. Haris, you are the reason that I fight so incredibly hard to be the best person that I can be. You give me a reason to make every single day even better than the last. You have shown me what it means to live and love, to give of my heart fully, to wake up every morning with the hope of helping others. You are my soulmate. My other half. The piece of my heart that I never knew was missing. And the promise of a lifetime together. Your Future Wife, The *Almost* Mrs. @hariselias ? P/s : you did great with the media yesterday ! I am so proud of you baby ? Welcome to my World? #3monthsdating #SharisEday #ShilaAmzahXHaris #NomorePatahSeribu ? #selamanyacinta

A post shared by 씰라茜拉shila amzah?? (@shahilaamzah) on

Shila tertarik dengan sikap Haris yang sering membuatnya ketawa, sentiasa mendorong dirinya untuk mencapai apa yang diimpikan, menyukai sikap humor dan kecintaan pada buku dan juga seni. Dan juga Shila tertarik dengan mata coklat milik Haris dan paling penting sentiasa membacakan buku padanya sebelum masuk tidur. Penyanyi ini juga berjanji akan hidup bersama selamanya apabila kasih sudah termeterai nanti.


Pasangan sama cantik sama padan ini dilapor akan melangsungkan perkahwinannya tahun depan. Terdahulu ibu bapa Shila turut gembira dengan majlis petunangan anak sulung mereka dan merasa bahagia apabila anak-anak gembira.

Admin ucapkan semoga segala perancangan dipermudahkan Tuhan dan berjalan lancar. KREDIT FOTO: SHAHILAAMZAH, ADIPUTRA DECO & GIPHOTOSHOOT_OFFICIAL

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